Politicians and pundits regularly decry the increasingly divisive nature of American politics. From the Tea Parties to Occupy Wall Street, Americans are not happy with their government, and they are making their displeasure known. But what is causing this divide? And what is the solution?
"In his book, Individual Rights and Government Wrongs, Brian Phillips has contributed a much needed corrective to the debate over capitalism today. Phillips adeptly drills below the froth of contemporary debate that blames the market for our problems to investigate and explain how the free market has actually worked in the past. Rich in historical examples, the book illuminates the diverse ways in which free individuals can solve social problems without government intervention. Phillips also does well to integrate these examples within a theoretical framework that justifies and explains the moral case for freedom."Eric Daniels, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism, Clemson University
Individual Rights and Government Wrongs examines two fundamentally different views regarding what type of nation America should be. Using examples from history and the contemporary world, this book looks at what happens when individuals are free and what happens when government intervenes in the lives of citizens. In every issue examined—mail delivery, education, roads, energy, land-use, employer/employee relations, and more, government intervention has led to higher costs, fewer choices for consumers, violations of individual rights, and destroyed lives. In contrast, freedom—the recognition and protection of individual rights—has led to economic progress, prosperity, and individual liberty.
“Brian Phillips takes the fundamental principles of our Founding Fathers, which made America great, and interprets them in light of a modern industrial society. Well worth reading.”
John Allison
Retired Chairman & CEO, BB&T
Distinguished Professor of Practice
Wake Forest University
Individual Rights and Government Wrongs challenges both conservatives and progressives. It rejects the notion that government intervention is ever practical or moral, no matter the issue, no matter the “general welfare” that will allegedly result, no matter the “will of the people.” If you are concerned about the future of America, Individual Rights and Government Wrongs will give you the intellectual ammunition you need to fight current trends.
“Are you appalled by the increasing intrusion of government in to every area of our lives? Brian Phillips’ remarkable book, Individual Rights and Government Wrongs, articulates how and why this menace spread. He examines a broad range of areas where the government is inappropriately and ineffectively engaged in activities that should be the province of private individuals and businesses, and provides many eye-opening examples that demonstrate just how the areas have been successfully addressed without government. Through these examples Phillips provides repeated evidence for the essential role of individual rights.”
Jeri Eagan, former CFO, Shell Oil Company
You will learn how government intervention destroys jobs, stifles energy production, institutionalizes racism, and leads to polluted air and water. You will also learn how the protection of individual rights, including property rights, creates jobs, encourages the discovery of new energy sources, combats racism and other irrational ideas, and leads to clean air and water. Individual Rights and Government Wrongs shows what is possible when individuals are free.
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Individual Rights and Government Wrongs in paperback is $19.95 $17.96
Individual Rights and Government WrongsIndividual Rights and Government Wrongs for ePub (Nook and iBooks) is $8.99
Individual Rights and Government Wrongs in PDF is $7.49
Individual Rights and Government Wrongs in PDF is $7.49
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